Web Booking


In this article, we are going to configure the TYT App’s initial setup for Web-booking. After Backend setup of firebase is implemented, verify if the google map key for web application stored in theMap settings has access to Distance matrix and Geocoding.

  • Enable the gateway through which OTP is to be sent under SMS settings of configurations (default firebase)

FireBase OTP setup

  • Update web app configuration of your firebase project in the firebase settings in the admin panel


  • Enable the phone otp service provider provided by firebase accessed below sign-in methods within Authentication


  • Navigate to settings under the Authentication and add your domain (if not present)


Twilio OTP setup

  • Enable the Twilio gateway and update the Sender Id, Token and Mobile number


  • Enable the SMS ALA gateway and update the Api Key, Api Secret, Token and Mobile number

Msg91 OTP setup

  • Enable the Msg91 gateway and update the Template Id and Auth key

Sparrow OTP setup

  • Enable the Sparrow gateway and update the Sender Id and Token

SMS India Hub OTP setup

  • Enable the SMS India Hub gateway and update the Sender Id and API key